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Roundleaf groundsel

Packera obovata

Packera obovata

Regular price $6.48 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.48 USD
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Sun/shade: Full sun to full shade

Soil moisture: Medium

Height: 1-1.5'


Flowering period: May

In springtime, roundleaf ragwort produces a resplendent crown of golden blooms. Where the plant grows densely, the floral effect is striking, marked by a nearly continuous layer of sunny flowerheads.

Primarily a woodland plant, roundleaf ragwort often occupies slopes and streambanks, and tends to grow in drier environments than its close relative, golden ragwort. In the garden, roundleaf ragwort can be planted in full sun or shade and average to moderately dry soils. When grown in full sun, roundleaf ragwort may need to be watered during summer dry spells.

In favorable conditions, roundleaf ragwort spreads via rhizome to form a colony of plants. Owing to its showy blooms and handsome foliage, roundleaf ragwort works well in both formal and naturalistic gardens. Its short stature makes it a good choice for border plantings, and its springtime bloom makes it a perfect shade-garden companion to Jacob’s ladder, wild geranium, and foamflower.

In terms of wildlife value, roundleaf ragwort is an excellent early season floral resource for hover flies and small to medium sized bees. Female small sweat bees use the plant’s pollen and nectar to feed their first generation of young within their underground nest.

Photo © Alaina KrakowiakCC BY 4.0.

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