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Nursery tour

Give your group a special behind-the-scenes tour of the nursery. We'll show you our wild seed collection, our plant production, and our nascent native gardens. Best followed by lunch or coffee in the nearby Waterloo Arts District!


Container gardening workshop

Container gardening with native plants is a great way to support pollinators on a porch, a balcony, or within your garden. Bring your group to our nursery for this creative hands-on workshop.

Fee: $50/participant covers all materials and instruction

Talk: Intro to native plants

This brief talk is the perfect introduction to the importance and beauty of native plants. It also contains interesting details that may be new to those familiar with the subject.

Title: Planting native to support wildlife

Time: 20 - 30 minutes

Suggested fee: $30

Talk: "Soft landings" shade gardens

Planting a "soft landings" garden beneath a tree is one of the best ways to support biodiversity in your yard. Learn how these gardens allow butterflies and moths to complete their lifecycles and more in this compelling presentation.

Title: Making the most of your tree with a soft landings garden

Time: 40 - 45 minutes

Suggested fee: $50

Talk: Butterfly gardening

Monarchs, Admirals, Emperors, Viceroys, Ladies… an important crew, indeed! And they won’t visit just any garden. Roll out the red carpet for this illustrious bunch with host plants, nectar sources, and even overwintering spots because your company won’t want to leave.

Title: A Garden Party for Butterflies: How to be the Ideal Host

Time: 60 min

Suggested fee: $50

Talk: Pollinator Town

Welcome to Pollinator Town! Enjoy this tour of small-scale habitats where bees, moths, beetles, and others like to live. Learn how to make your yard a home to this colorful crew.

This talk can be presented as a slide show or as an outdoor walking tour with physical props - all that's needed is a small garden or natural area.

Title: Pollinator Town

Time: 40 - 45 minutes

Suggested fee: $50

Talk: A Time for Bumblebees

In this fascinating presentation, the life cycle of bumble bees becomes a journey into the world of native plants. Follow the bees through the seasons to see how they and other organisms interact with the plants.

Title: A Time for Bumblebees: Native plants in the garden and a pollinator's life cycle

Time: 45 - 50 minutes

Suggested fee: $50

Talk: Beneficial insects for vegetable gardens

Increase fruit and vegetable yields by attracting pollinators and predatory insects to your garden! Let us show you how, with native plants.

Title: Bringing beneficial insects into the vegetable garden with native wildflowers

Time: 40 - 45 minutes

Suggested fee: $50