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White wood aster

Eurybia divaricata

Eurybia divaricata

Regular price $6.48 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.48 USD
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Sun/shade: Full sun to full shade

Soil moisture: Dry to medium

Height: 1-2'

Spread: 1-1.5'

Flowering period: August

Where growing in abundance, white wood aster’s sprawling, zig zag stems form a groundcover that buzzes with foraging bumble bees in late summer. The bees are attracted to the plant’s sprightly white flowerheads which offer both nectar and pollen as floral rewards. Due to the late timing of white wood aster’s blooming period, it is likely that these bumble bees include males and females who are searching for mates, as well as recently mated females who are building their fat stores prior to hibernation.

Other bee visitors to white wood aster include autumnal mining bees, whose larval diets require pollen from a narrow range of plant species. Such bees are known as pollen specialists, which account for up to 45% of North American bee species. In order to maximize the usefulness of a native plants garden for pollinators, it’s a good idea to select plants that support specialist bees. In doing so, one will also be supporting generalist bees, which can survive on the pollen from a wide range of plants.

In addition to its value for native bees, white wood aster has other qualities that make it a desirable choice for the garden. The plant has a good tolerance for dry soils as well as shade, and it often spreads to form an extensive colony. White wood aster can thus serve as an attractive ground cover for areas where little else will grow. A native of NE Ohio forests and forest edges, white wood aster attains a height of 1 to 2.5 feet and blooms during the late summer and early fall.

References: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.

Photo by Julie Slater.

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